Simone Gentilini ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Italien

Hi folks! My name is Simone and i am a 43 year old guy from Bologna, Italy. I'm a licensed tour leader in english, spanish and french. I am a cheerful and sociable person. I am really easy going and down to earth. I always tend quickly to socialise and to pal up with people. I love to share laughs and jokes. I adore travelling either with a companion or solo. Over the last few years i spent some time abroad as a volunteer. I took part of volunteering projects in different countries:

3 months in Australia and New Zealand as a Willing Worker on Organic Farm

5 months in Ecuador with disabled children

4 months in Togo teaching in a school

All these trips opened my mind up. When working with kids life turns into a fairytale. It's such a pleasure to be surrounded by smiling faces. They are always warmhearted. I gave them my heart and in return i received nothing but love. Values we lost, values we need to retrieve.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Währungen Euro (EUR), Dollar (USD), Dollar (AUD)

Touristenmeinung (1)

08 JUN 2018
En mayo hicimos un tour de todo el dia con Simone .
Eramos 7 señoras,estuvimos todo el dia con el , fue estupendo nos llevo por toda Bolonia,nos explicaba la ciudad, nos llevo a comer a un mercado que estaba la pasta estaba buenisima ,tambien nos llevo a comprar queso, tomar cafe .....
Lo pasamos genial .

Simone es una persona estupenda, muy interesante , amable, con mucho mundo , lo recomiendo para conocer Bolonia

Ha sido muy facil contactar con el, constestaba muy rapido .
Lo recomiendo
Si volvemos lo llamaremos ... un abrazo

In May we did an all day tour with Simone.
We were 7 ladies, we were all day with him, it was great he took us all over Bologna, he explained the city, he took us to eat at a market that was very good, he also took us to buy cheese, drink coffee ... ..
We had a great time .

Simone is a great person, very interesting, kind, with a lot of world, I recommend him to know Bologna

It has been very easy to contact him, he was very quick.
I recommend it

If we go back we'll call it
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