Alistair TITE ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Südafrika

Retired banker with an absolute passion for the Western Cape, South Africa. Knowledgable about the history of Southern Africa and its flora and fauna.

Tours offered: Cape Town historical tour, Cape Peninusular tour includes Boulders Beach with its world famous endangered African Penguines, Cape Point and some of the best scenic drives in South Africa. Go whale watching and shark cage diving. Do a day visit in the Cape Winelands and visit some wine estates that have been making wine since the early 1700's taste some of the best wines South Africa has to offer plus have lunch at some of the best restaurants in South Africa. All of these tours are tailor made to your own specifications and transport is in luxury vehicles and a maximum of 6 passengers per tour. I am also registered as a tour guide in all 9 provinces of South Africa, so if it is wild life and birds you are after I can arrange and guide for you throughout South Africa, you tell me what you want to see and do and I will organise the whole tour for you including accomodation and transport.

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD)

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