Mike Spies ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Südafrika, Namibia

I'm a young friendly tourist guide, in the tourism industry for 12 years. I've got a great passion for nature and love to share it with others. Regions I specialize in includes Namaqualand and West Coast flowers as well as the Cederberg Mountains and Namibia. I enjoy various outdoor activities such as hiking, zip-lining, river rafting and other adventurous activities. I'm always willing to help and will customize a tour suited for any age and activity level.

Not only do I have a passion for nature and adventure, but also a love for photography. I have my own camera equipment and love to capture spectacular scenes. I have an extended knowledge of photography and how different cameras work and can assist in that area as well.

Sprachen Afrikaans, Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Rand (ZAR)

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