cheikh chico Niang ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau

Best Travel Agent Cicotour, a tailor-made travel agency, aims to be your natural interlocutor. However, it is also your Guarantee for an optimal quality of service because it is surrounded by a qualified team and ensures the follow-up of a definite plan of action. You can put your luggage by settling in a place that has destined you. It is recognized and appreciated by its customers for the strong values it conveys.

Groups, incentives, seaside holidays, tours, trekking, travelers with disabilities, responsible tourism, tourism at home, cooperation tourism, and trips with family and friends are also available.

You will rightly work directly with a local service provider, in order to avoid intermediaries and to better control the quality of the services provided.

We are on the spot; our offer is constantly updated.

Our experience in the field reinforces our ability to build personalized itineraries and to advise our clients.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

Exkursionen (13)

Touristenmeinung (1)

Marlène Firlotte
17 JAN 2023
I had such a wonderful day in Dakar and L’Île de Gorée with Cheikh Chico Niang! I booked a private tour and found him to be extremely helpful and flexible in the planning process. He was so knowledgeable, interesting and fun to be with. I had asked him to eat at a “true” local restaurant… and that’s exactly what I got! I was the only tourist in the entire place. Cheikh knows everyone, and he showed me all the areas that are truly typical for us to visit. He was the best tour guide I ever had and I have traveled the world. I wish I had more time to go afar and visit more villages outside Dakar with CheikhI. I saw things, places and talked to people I would never had the chance to experience with a with a different tour guide. Cheikh was given the gift of communication! And I hope he continues to share with others, the same passion he has for his beautiful country with so much enthusiasm for years to come!
Merci mille fois Chico!!
Marlène F.
Dec 2022.
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