Yaqoob Al Khalili ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Oman

I am a licensed tour guide with extensive knowledge of Oman's prominent tourist attractions, including its hidden gems.

Whether you desire a city excursion, an educational journey, or an adventurous exploration of the mountains, wadis, or desert, I am well-equipped to be your guide.

I can facilitate tours using either a compact car or a 4X4 vehicle, depending on the expedition's requirements.

Given my comprehensive understanding of my homeland, I will be eager to provide thorough and enthusiastic responses to all your queries.

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Rial (OMR)

Touristenmeinung (1)

doug traverso
29 MÄR 2024
First off Yaqoob is a great guy and a fab guide and I highly recommend him. He is knowledgable about things in his country unlike a few guides we had. Most informative and good conversationalist answering the many questions I had about his country. He is a good English speaker who is patient polite knowledgable informative specifically on the PG website. Guides can be hit or miss generally on all sites but he is very good. We had mixed experiences with other guides on other websites as it’s hard to know if a guide is good or not. If you can’t find a good guide like yaqoob take a taxi and do it yourself and read a guide book
Fives stars for this kind informative person. He’s the best in PG tours!!!
Douglas from Australia
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