Niels J. Petersen ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Brasilien

I've worked in the tourism business in Rio de Janeiro and internationally, for the past 36 years; always with positive feedback from agencies, as well as visiting individual guests. I try to deliver all with the highest possible standards, be it leisure - or business travel; incentives or with groups or individual travelers.

I work as regional, national and international tourist guide and am at your service to plan your personal trip, as well as with your project to help with hotel reservations, renting of business flat or holiday apartments, as well as acquiring and administration of apartments, book transfers and excursions, etc. all over the Brazilian territory.

I work as a tourist guide in the state of Rio and all over the Brazilian territory organizing and contracting local guides in all the receptive cities and states.

I speak English, German, Spanish and obviously Brazilian Portuguese, as well as my native Danish mother tongue, and am registered with EMBRATUR and the ministery of tourism in all these languages.

The state and city of Rio de Janeiro has an inifinity of destinations to offer you and I have several suggestions to make your holidays and stay amongst us as pleasant and problemless as possible. Try to click on any of the icons in my site.

The city and state of Rio de Janeiro is waiting for your visit.

I offer a special price for transfer from the airport to your flat or hotel with a special introduction into the aspect of safety and suggestions to make your stay amongst the cariocas a maximum enjoyment.

Sprachen dänisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Schwedisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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