Fares Chandra ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Indonesien

Hi everybody, I am a tour guide and interpreter (English to Bahasa Indonesia vice versa) for South Sumatera Province, Indonesia (including, especially, the city of Palembang as the capital).

Not merely Palembang with its Sriwijaya heritage, the South Sumatera Province also has Pagaralam; its only mountainous city boasting literally tons of remnants from the distant megalithic civilization of Besémah. Getting to this city situated in the foothills of the Dempo Mountain from Palembang necessitates approximately 8 land-hours trip --or a 40-minutes thrice-a-week flight.

Furthermore, in addition to its distinctively-fragrant tea (serves best with creamer) and hot springs, the vicinity of Pagaralam likewise has a village of rattan-craftmaking home-industries, and another of which villagers are Caucasian descents from mixed marriages between locals and Europeans during the Dutch-Colonial era.

I can arrange for your Pagaralam stay in the city-government-owned mountainside cottage --or for backpacking-type of travelers; extra-affordable shared rooms in locals' homes.

It is noteworthy that since Palembang is going to partially host the 2018 Asian Games in mid-August (and having the Islamic month of fasting before that), for your utmost convenience I believe it would be wisest to schedule your South Sumatera visit from at least September (2018). Reach me to discuss your tour plan (and its related variables:-).

Sprachen Englisch, Indonesisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Rupiah (IDR)

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