Roula Panagea ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Griechenland

Hi! My name is Roula, and I am from this beautiful Greek island, called Rhodes, an island of Sun!

As a native Greek I have a passion to share my knowledge about our island with our friendly visitors. I got my Official Tour Guide certificate in 1989, and since then I invite everyone to join me in the journey through time. While walking inside the Medieval Town of Rhodes I will show you its hidden secrets, and we will deep dive in its rich history and mythology.

As a licensed tourist guide I have the permission to accompany you in all the museums and archeological sites, so we will explore it in full detail. 

Also I am proud to say that I am an expert in Jewish Heritage Tours, being recommended by Jewish authorities of Rhodes.

Even though our island is quite big, and there are plenty to see and do, my experience with groups traveling on the cruise ships, taught me how to fit the most in one day's visit, and how to manage a bigger crowd.

My hobby is plants (trees, flowers, herbs and medicine plants), which are very unique in Rhodes, so if you have similar interest, I will gladly share my knowledge with you.

Greeks are known for their hospitality and kindness, and I am no exception. So I welcome you to join me in a tour, where I could share my knowledge and help you to feel the true magic of this beautiful island!

Looking forward to welcome you!

Sprachen Englisch, Griechisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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