Monia Minciarelli ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Italien

After high school, I graduated in Foreign Languages with honours, but long before my graduation, I had already started working as a guide. It is 25 years now that I have been accompanying Italian and foreign groups of young and adult people to discover the towns of Umbria and the marvellous nature that surrounds them. Every tour is a new discovery, and each group is different because the people are always different, so the atmosphere created by the visitors in the environment surrounding them is also completely different. Since the beginning of my career as a tour guide, neither my enthusiasm nor my amazement in front of a painting or the colours of a forest in spring has ever changed.

I love history and over the years I have developed a particular interest in St. Francis of Assisi and Franciscanism as well. I also offer "interactive" visits, especially for students of Italian language who, with the help of my "guidance", can practice what they have studied in the classroom and improve their language skills.

After many years of experience as a lecturer at the University for Foreigners of Perugia, and as a travel agent I finally decided to return to my first “love”, and work as a tourist and excursion guide, thus offering my solid expertise and experience to single travellers, families or groups of friends, travel agencies and tour operators in order to create particular, unusual and captivating programmes, even for the most demanding visitors, because every corner of Umbria becomes a “special place” when accompanied by a knowledgeable guide.

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch, Italienisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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