Tatyana Khrystych ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ukraine

Hello Friends! My name is Tatyana. I am professional tour guide, translator, personal assistant since 1999. For many years I work with people from all over the world, and I truly like my job.My biggest passion is to meet and communicate with people. We are different, but it makes us to be closer. How it's hard to feel relaxed in the unknown country, I know from my own experience, course I visited almost the whole Europe.That's why I devote my time, life, knowledge, experience to those people, which want to visit my country with business, private, or any other visit. i want them to feel themselves protected, relaxed and happy in my country. Each of you is welcome to contact me....

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch, ukrainisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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