Yuliana Miranda ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in USA

Traveling and doing tours for family and friends is what inspired me to become a guide. Exploring different cities around the world, I find I learn so much more about the people, the culture, and the city itself, when I have a local person with me. I want to offer that type of warm, local experience to you. Having been born in Peru, raised in Los Angeles, and with friends around the world, I am the go-to person among family and friends for showing our visitors around LA and beyond, and I love it! My background is in linguistics, and apart from offering tours, I also give private language lessons and interpret at clinics in LA. I am a native Spanish speaker with proficiency in Italian and Russian.

In Los Angeles County, we have the city, the beaches, the mountains, and the desert, all a short drive away. With so much to see, its wonderful sunny climate, and its movie fame, Los Angeles is a popular destination for both tourists and immigrants from around the world. Come see for yourself the richness and diversity of LA and California!

As you may see from the tours I provide, I enjoy being in nature, hiking, and just being active. I love exploring and showing others around the places I love. Whether you want to catch the sunset across Malibu's beaches, admire the majestic Yosemite waterfalls up close, or hug the world's largest tree, I can show you the way. On top of that, I'll show you the best angles for your Golden State photo collection.

So come for the experience, and leave with the incredible memories -- Join me in LA!

(Any tour can be customized. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. )

Sprachen Englisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Spanisch
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