Emin Rzali ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Aserbaidschan

My name is Emin, I'm 26 years old, - I'm Guide in Azerbaijan, I love my city, I'm Sociable and Friendly Person, you can look at my reviews - напишите свой номер ватсапа Меня зовут Эмин,мне 26 года,- я Гид по Азербайджану,люблю свой город,я Общительный и Дружелюбный Человек, можете проверить мои отзывы

Sprachen Arabisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Türkisch, Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Manat (AZN)

Exkursionen (4)

Touristenmeinung (8)

Angelo Belotti
13 NOV 2018
Emin very good guide and person, he is friendly,honest,hospitable,He showed us the historical places in Baku, and modern sights,except Baku, we were to Gabala and to Sheki, he showed the main places of these cities,we advise everybody Emin like guide
Mariana Ziomek
13 NOV 2018
Emin nice and friendly guide,we were Historical places Fire Temple and Mountain Fire and very modern sight Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center, good luck Emin
Rebecca Grimm
16 NOV 2018
Emin perfect guide, we were in Historical place Gobustan and old city, we had great time with Emin
Nyta Nor
26 MÄR 2019
Emin is a good guide and friendly. He walked us around the Baku town and drove us to Fire Temple and Mountain Fire on the 2nd day. He even invited us to taste the local cuisine at his family house. Thank you for your hospitality. We had a great time in Baku.
Benito Cuttano
26 APR 2019
emin is a really good person, good, nice, helpful, he will take you around baku and surroundings, he will explain you everything very prepared,
Massimo Nadalini
03 MAI 2019
Excellent guide, prepared, very helpful and extremely hospitable. he accompanied us to the archaeological site of Gobustan, the mud volcanoes, the Fire Temple and Fire mountain as well as Old Baku
he knows how to move very well in the city, particularly with public transport. he knows many restaurants and can recommend the right restaurant based on culinary needs.
Sonam Singh
29 DEZ 2022
All the tour you provided us with were extremely hospitable and did the best to make sure that I have a nice time. You were well-mannered and experienced in their job. Thank you for making my holiday worthwhile. Highly recommend
Kevin Rettig
30 JUL 2023
Emin is a wonderful person who always makes it a good day. I really enjoyed my time in Baku and the surrounding areas because of him. He has an enthusiasm for the city and the country that is contagious. His personality and friendliness really make it a personal experience far beyond a mere tour. You will learn a lot from him, and you will experience the country. It was really difficult to say goodbye, both to the beautiful country and to Emin. I feel I have a real friend in Azerbaijan. Thank you, Emin! I will never forget you.
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