Marina Asta ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Russland

Hello dear guests!

My name is Marina and I'm a private guide. I was born and raised in Kaliningrad so I can definitely recommend/offer you the best in this city. Kaliningrad is a perfect combination of old Prussian historical places and modern European styled attractions. Because my city is located close to the Baltic Sea coast tourists have a great opportunity to visit small beautiful regional towns and villages and enjoy the sea. You can also take a tour to the Curonian Spit, see the sand dunes and the "Dancing Forest".

No matter what kind of excursion you need I would love to show you around.

You can always reach me on my email.

Best regards!

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch, Schwedisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Rubel (RUB)

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