Damir Alymbek Uulu ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kirgisistan

Dear friends,

Welcome to Kyrgyzstan!

If you are planning to visit one of the best countries in the world, bask in nature's beauty, visit attractions and relax with total comfort, then we will be happy to show you our magnificent Kyrgyzstan.

The natural surroundings of Kyrgyzstan include but are in no way limited to fresh invigorating mountain air, crystal clear lakes, pure spring water, snow-capped mountains and unique natural reserves. Unmatched in its beauty, rich and completely different at all times of the year, Kyrgyzstan is truly a place to remember.

We warmly and excitedly invite you to Kyrgyzstan - a country of tourism.

Best regards,

Damir Alymbek Uulu

Sprachen Englisch, Kyrgyz, Russisch, Usbekisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Som (KGS)

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