Godfrey Eliphas ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Tansania

Hello tourists

I'm tour guide and organizer after being in the industry for long time so i use to do both

As a professional freelance tour guide dealing with different adventures like camping,walking safaris,mountain climbing and hiking,birds watching, hot spring, local tour and cultural with tradition tour, day trips,northern Tanzania national parks safaris(Serengeti, Ngorongoro,manyara,Tarangire Arusha national park) historical sites, museums, local and Super markets. I inviting you to Tanzania at East Africa here are so many attraction among the 7 wonders list eg the highest mountain in Africa and the largest volcanic in the world also more than 20 national parks with biological and physical resources it is all about any tourist activities like beach's, hot springs, caves, cultural tradition, museums, historical sites, water falls and so many natural and artificial attraction in the same country. you are most welcome to the best topographical and to have the best experience about them so if you are interested book me

Please contact me with any client who want visit Tanzania for any tour purposes you are in the right place and I promise that I will do the best and ever never let you down for all that you deserve 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Sprachen Englisch, Suaheli

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