Gökhan Küçüker ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Türkei

Hi! This is Gökhan,

I have been professionally Gourmet Guide for 4 years and have visited nearly 30 countries throughout my life. Turkey is my country, and I think Turkish cuisine is one of the most appetizing and rich cuisines of the world. Istanbul is the heart of my country. Therefore, It is a great city where all cuisines are blended and a must-visit destination for those who love to eat and in pursuit of different flavors. It will be amazing while enjoying great tastes on one hand, experiencing the unique beauties of Istanbul and seeing the places to be seen for an unforgettable holiday.

I love to eat. Perhaps this is the most satisfying and shortest way to treat myself. I can almost say that in entire city, there is no any single restaurant that serves good quality food but I have not visited I experienced great experiences in these wonderful places where from the east to the west, from north to south all the local flavors of all countries are presented. I had wonderful times in these places with my friends and my guests from abroad. I am sorry for them as I have seen that foreigners only have to settle only with limited varieties of kebab because their location is more accessible.

With my food guide service, I take my guests to restaurants serve real good quality food and only local people know about in Istanbul. I provide that unique tastes are presented to my guests with wonderful Istanbul view with high service quality on the route frame that will be shaped upon request. After the restaurants we will visit together, we can make a great Istanbul tour, coffee break, shopping tour among the meals. You can be sure that these activities, which will help you have fun, will prepare us for the next meal.

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