Elizabeth Danckwerts ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Südafrika

I guide in Cape Town, the Garden Route and the Western Cape. Especially township tours. I take you to the hidden secret spots in Cape Town and the surrounding areas. Prices are for one person and will reduce with more in the group. Individual itineraries can be arranged. The tours give you an idea.

Sprachen Afrikaans, Englisch, Xhosa
Währungen Rand (ZAR)

Exkursionen (8)

Touristenmeinung (1)

Mary Thomas
18 OKT 2021
Elizabeth knew what I wanted to do and provided the best possible itinerary to do that. Wine tasting galore, penguins by the dozens and Cape Point in sunshine. Seems she knows all of the interesting points along the way between my desired experiences. Highly recommended!
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