IRAN Driver-Guide ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Iran

Hi I'm Ali Zarei, an independent driver-guide and tour operator over Iran. I had been graduated as tourism management Bachelor from university and history student at the meanwhile as well. I can speak English like native. I give service for all over IRAN like Tabriz, Shiraz, Isfahan, Yazd, Kashan, Tehran, Mashhad,... from south to north and east to west by operating 1-Day up to 8 weeks tours with my private and professionally specialized car. I have experience of operating over 45 long tours and you can read about me in Tripadvisor a lot. I may share with you the contacts of my previous clients to speak with them in person and get feedback about my services. I am proud that in my 6 years of experience in guiding groups, all of my tourists left me with good memories, positive feelings and were fully satisfied with my services , they always discovered more than what they expect with me! I will provide you with all you need for an unforgettable trip at the lowest price.with me you will learn alot about Iranian's culture, faith, nation, daily life, Iran's nature, society, history and a lot of interesting information about Iran. just try it! Can't wait to hear from you.


Sprachen Azerbaijani, Englisch, persisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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