Leonor Abrantes ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Portugal

I was born and raised in Lisbon and I cannot see myself living in any other city.

I have a Bachelor Degree in Tourism and was licensed National Tourist Guide in 1998. I finished a Degree in History in 2013 and I'm currently pursuing a Master Degree in History and Philosophy of Science.

I have been working as a guide since 1998 mainly with german-speaking groups in tours that cover the country’s territory.

Together with a group of other Tour guides I've developed two projects for literary walking tours - Passeios Literários - visitas guiadas pela mão de autores portugueses® dedicated for Portuguese students; and Lisbon Literary Tours - Lisbon by the book, literary walking tours for tourists.

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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