Mohsen Farzan ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Iran


I'm Mohsen, living in Tehran, Iran.31 yrs old private tour guide-driver.

I have a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering and a master's degree in financial engineering, and also passionate about traveling, nature and history.

I can plan a low-cost and economical stay for you at your choice. I can pick you up from the airport or hotel at no extra cost and take you to the airport at the end of the trip. All transportation costs will be borne by me. From the moment you arrive in Iran, I will lend you a small mobile phone with an Iranian SIM card so that you can call me whenever you want.

Cost: $40 per day for up to 3 people.

Best regards

Sprachen Englisch, persisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Pfund (GBP)

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