Martha Manuel ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Angola

I am Marta Manuel.  I am a resident of Angola and I  speak English and Portuguêse. I have been guiding in this area for more than 10 years , so I  know very well about Angola; every corner and place. 

I conduct day city tours, cultural tours, historical tours, business tours and also special tours. The important thing to know is that guiding is my passion, my life and living! I do enjoy working and meeting people from all over the world and showing my country, all the major attractive places here - be it cultural or historical. 

Dear tourists, I can be the guide that you are looking for! I am friendly, full of knowledge, have a great sense of humor  and can be a good teacher and friend.  To be specific, I do guiding services in Luanda, Malanje, Ndalatando, Benguela, Lubango and Namibe provinces. I do have extensive knowledge about these two provinces. So, no tension there , you will never go lost here! 

Sprachen Englisch, Portugiesisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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