Nilhari Bastola ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Nepal

Asian Heritage Treks & Travels is a highly experienced, professional and dynamic agency that provides a personalized customer-centric service and products. We offer a wide variety of products, ranging from day hike tours, spiritual tours, summits expeditions, adventure activities, all the way to completely tailor-made treks in Nepal, Bhutan, and India. Our customers share our passion for active travel, cultural immersion, nature, and sustainable and socially responsible tourism. Being a customer-centric operator, we are always open and flexible towards our guest’s needs and always happy to take the extra step for them.

We organize tours and trekking for groups as well as individual travellers. We provide service to all age groups and tailor-made programs and packages to suit the individual’s interest, physical fitness, and budget aspects. Our guides are experts in local history, culture, geography and Nepal’s traditions. They are ever mindful of their clients’ interests, needs, expectations, and abilities. They strive to assure a safe, enjoyable experience that will provide unique memories to last a lifetime.

Our client base is continuously expanding, as travellers from all around the world share their Nepal exploration and trip stories with their friends and families. Their feedbacks and referrals help us improve our services and become better day by day, serving everyone that entrust us with their holiday plans. The referrals make us a proud organizer of holidays and we consider it as an honour in this field.

Sprachen Niederländisch, Englisch, Hindi, Nepali
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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