Elvis Stedman ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Dominica

A warm Welcome. I'm Elvis, the founder of Elvis Adventure Tours, located in the beautiful Nature Island of the Caribbean, Dominica.

I'm an ecologist and true nature lover with a passion for tropical botany. I have enjoyed working as a Tour Guide for almost 2 decades.

For 20 years I have also been involved in a wide range of ecological research projects in Dominica, partnering with numerous research groups from many visiting Universities, who come here to study.

As a Researcher and a Dominican, I have seen this young island's countless beautiful and unique natural wonders and am fortunate to have gained such a knowledgeable insight to this country's rich and diverse culture, history and ecology. And I delight in sharing all this with you.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Dollar (XCD)

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