Brahim Azeroual ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Marokko

My name is Brahim Azeroual, a young man born and grew up among a Berber family in southern Morocco desert .

Licensed as a tour guide in Morocco. I studied English, Spanish and French at the university and practiced these languages with tourists.

I also know a lot about culture, traditions and the history of my country.

I have worked with different travel companies in tourism for severals years which made me a experienced tour guide.

Nowadays I provide Morocco private desert tours,guided visits to the historical sites and the imperial cities, as well as I have my own tour company named “ Morocco Destiny Tours”.

If you would really like to have an authentic unforgettable experience enjoying Berber culture in Morocco , Don’t hesitate to join us.

Feel Free to contact me. Thank you

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Dirham (MAD)

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