Olena Zeifrid ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Montenegro

A private tour is the best way to see the sights of Montenegro and the neighboring countries of the Balkan Peninsula. I offer you to plunge into the atmosphere of the unique national color, admire the breath-taking views of Montenegrin sea coast, majestic mountains, deep river canyons, lakes and virgin forests, as well as to get acquainted with historic and cultural heritage of the area while visiting its medieval towns, monasteries and temples.

A private tour gives you the opportunity to:

• see the sights that interest you in a leisurely fashion, without ruffle or excitement;

• enjoy a comfortable and safe journey along the mountain roads;

• learn a lot of interesting things about Montenegro and the neighboring countries;

• stop to take photos in any places you like throughout the whole trip.

I will accompany you during the trip, tell you some interesting facts about the sights and the whole country and show you the most beautiful panoramic points along the route. I will be happy to answer all your questions and do my best to make your trip comfortable and memorable!

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Serbian
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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