Erika Schemann ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Brasilien

Brazilian-born, I lived 5 years in Germany for studying and have 17 years experience on receptive tailor made tours in Sao Paulo and surrounding areas. I work as a licensed tour guide in Brazil and South America since 2002 and speak fluently German, English and Portuguese.

I work exclusively as a personal driver guide, offering customized city tours for business tourists, travelers, students, backpackers - up to 3 person per tour - with many flexible options.

My goal is to provide you unique interactive experiences with the culture and history of this city and therefore you will have great memories from your stay in Brazil. It will be a pleasure to show you my city!

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Real (BRL)

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