Terrence Butcher ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in USA

Hello! I'm New York-born, but have 35 years in Greater Los Angeles. Arriving at the age of 19, I had no neighborhood affiliations or loyalties, thus I explored everywhere, unlike many natives. I've had a deep interest in the history of my adopted region since the early 1990s. I worked as a Museum Guide and Tour Docent in downtown L.A. for several years, as well as Activities Director on the board of Las Angelitas del Pueblo - a tourism non-profit in existence since 1966 - where I arranged monthly field excursions for the organization. Also, I've been an architectural tours docent for Pasadena Heritage since 2014, and completed college courses in Tour Directing and the cruise industry at Long Beach City College. In addition, I'm proud to have conducted a citywide bus tour for the Annenberg Foundation in 2019, and more recently, assisted Boyle Heights History Studios & Tours in a motor coach mini-tour from downtown Los Angeles to historic Boyle Heights. I'm always upgrading my knowledge of the area's history via non-fiction books and periodicals like Los Angeles magazine and the public TV series Lost LA. Although I speak a bit of Spanish, English is currently my only fluent language.

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