Elisenda Todoli ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Spanien, Großbritannien


We are Barcelona Born & Bred your wee local tour company!

I'm Eli and I will be your local tour guide born and bred in Barcelona. After 10 years as tour guide it became my beloved lifetime job. I love caring and accommodate my group on the most authentic spots of my beautiful city.

My studies in History, Drama and Tourism in Barcelona and Edinburgh, our extended experience with customer service in the last decade and the respect for this profession gave us the tools to start up our own local and genuine food tours around the city.

Come with us, I can't wait to share with you my favorite family ran restaurants, quirky shops and hidden local business, the authentic essences of BCN.

Sprachen Katalanisch, Englisch, Spanisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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