ali amak ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Türkei

I am an experienced and licenced English speaking tour guide. I graduated from selçuk university of konya , tour guiding deparment in 2009 and on the same year got my guiding licence from The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism. I have been doing guiding as a full time job since 2009 I am running daily city tours in mardin and also the round trips in the country. I am originally from mardin the central part of the counrty which is called as southeast region and of course it's my favourite place to lead my groups:-) The reason of my choosing this profession is meeting with new faces from different countries and showing my country to them. So let's see the beauties of this marvellous country together.

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch, kurdisch, Türkisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), 2005–2008 „Neue Lira“ (TRY)

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