Deepak Shrestha ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Nepal

Hello! My name is Deepak Shrestha, I am 28 years old, a young man with the vision to show guests, safely, the Cultural Diversity and the Himalayas of my country Nepal. A Freelance and Independent guide. I have a lot of experiences in leading different tours and trekking, in all parts of my country. I also organise Cultural tours in our King cities, Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Patan and Ghorka.

A 28 years old young boy with vision safely to the show the Himalaya and cultural diverse country.Freelance/Independent Guide in Nepal. I have been successfully leading tours & trekking in the Himalaya & Cultural city of Nepal from 20012 from various well-established trekking and travel companies/agencies in Kathmandu.

Sprachen Chinesisch, Englisch, Koreanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Renminbi Yuan (CNY), Rupie (INR), Rupie (NPR), Won (KRW)

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