Waleed Mohammed ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kuwait


We takepleasure in introducing ourselves – Baitalkhairan Travel & Tourism Companystarted in 2013 with a mission to provide the ultimate customer satisfaction inthe Travel & Tourism Industry. Our good track record for over 5 yearsvalidates our success in this mission. The company is flourishing under themanagement of Mr. Waleed Al-Khamees (Founder & Director ofthe company) towards becoming a well-known name in the industry.

Ourorganization is devoted to maintaining very high service standards and seekscustomer satisfaction of the highest level. For that, we constantly review ourmanagement procedures and evaluate service delivery. Our strength lies in ourqualified and experienced staff members.

We arefast, flexible, and competitive to keep ourselves ahead of competition and be aleader in the industry. Get the Best Holiday tour packages, Honeymoon tourpackage, Local tour package, Beach House rental & much more.

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD)

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