Nikola Narancic ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Serbien, Montenegro

Welcome to my profile, I am glad that you are interested in our beautiful country. I am here for you in every possible sense, whether you want to visit only Belgrade, the rest of Serbia or one of the countries in the Balkans, experience the Balkans in the best possible way!

Nikola, the private guide from Belgrade, Serbia 🇷🇸

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch, Serbian
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Dinar (RSD)

Exkursionen (5)

Touristenmeinung (3)

Michael Bell
19 FEB 2021
Incredibly quality service of this young guy. So much knowledge and charisma. All praise, see you again, thanks!
Luna Alvarez
20 FEB 2021
I spent 3 days in Belgrade and it was a pleasure to work with Nikola. I learned and saw so much about Belgrade and the whole of Serbia with his help. Thank you for everything!
Hans Schneider
05 JUN 2022
I had prejudices when visiting Serbia, but thanks to Nikola, everything disappeared. I liked his energy the most and his desire to present all the sights as beautifully and realistically as possible. I even liked that he knew solid German. Good luck in further work
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