Afsin Dalgic ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Türkei

My name is Afşın Dalgıç and I was born on Jan 20th. I grew up in one of the most beautiful cities in Turkey: Izmir, historically also called Smyrna. Since the early childhood I always enjoyed travelling and exploring the ancient civilisations all around Turkey and the world. I studied English and German during my high school years at Bornova Anatolian High School in Izmir. I started to study first in Munich at Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany but continued in Turkey. After graduation International Relations from Anadolu University, I proudly recieved my professional guiding licence from Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Since then, I work as a freelance tour guide across Turkey and the world, introducing tourists many nationalities to Turkey and the world to Turkish citizens.

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch, Türkisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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