Amir Arghavan ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Iran

I'm a 32 year old boy from Iran. I started my tour guide career since 2010 by using so I have some experiences at this job. I have traveled through the whole country and I can help people to have a wonderful and memorable experience in Iran and show them the hotspots and must-sees of my country. I can speak English fluently and I'm learning Turkish and Spanish and French. I can be available to work as a tour guide 24/7. I can offer historical, cultural, literary, natural and food tours. Even mixed or customized tours depending on costumers' taste and preference. I'm a friendly, calm, honest and easygoing person. Of course this is what other people say about me! That's my honor to host and guide foreign tourists in my beautiful city Shiraz; and I would be glad to show them all around the city if they are eager to know more about Iranian culture and tradition through the honorable history of Iran.

Sprachen Englisch, persisch, Türkisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Rial (IRR)

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