Hicham El baz ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Marokko

My name is Hicham , born in Agadir , a city located in the south of Morocco by the coast of Atlantic.

I am fully accredited by the Moroccan Ministry of Tourism officially a guide.

I am at your disposal for customized tours of several cities: Tangier - Assilah - Tetouan - ChefChaouen - Rabat - Casablanca - Fes - Sahara of Merzouga - Ouarzazate city of movies - Marrakech - Atlas Mountains - Essaouira.

I am passionate about history, art and architecture with a lot of enthusiasm and a sense of humor.

I offer custom tours of all cities and beyond. I can not wait to meet you in Morocco.

The comfort, nature, culture, traditions, gastronomy and charm of Morocco is here dear customers!

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch

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