Karlo Kapusta ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Kroatien, Slowenien

For the last 10 years I have worked in tourism as a licensed local guide, travelling concierge, receptionist, certified kayaking and biking instructor. In addition to that I have studied tourism and got my masters in the same field at Hotel and Tourism Management University in Opatija.

My local guide licenses include Zagreb and Zagreb county, Lika and Senj county and Varaždin county. I also have a B driving license (for vehicles up to 8 passangers + driver).

I lead kayaking, biking and hiking trips in and around Dubrovnik where I lived for 2 years.

I currently offer unique sightseeing tours such as personalized walking tour, food tour, vegan food tour and jogging tour. My day trips include Plitvice Lakes, Ljubljana and Lake Bled, Varaždin and Trakošćan, Samobor hills day hike. My preferred tours are bespoke tours where I help my guests to tailor their perfect day or multi day experience in Croatia and Slovenia. I also execute the tours I have tailored.

Above mentioned I conduct through a small DMC and Tour company (based in Zagreb) that I own and manage.

I am very passionate about my work and take pride in the tours I have created. Often get referrals from our previous guests and I think that shows the level of dedication.

I love to prepare local and traditional specialties that I share with my guests. Food in Croatia is amazing, a blend of a couple of cuisines and I enjoy doing the food tour with my guests. Experience has thought me to constantly improve and create. Thus I have created a very unique and the only vegan tour in Zagreb.

I ''work'' 7 days a week because meeting people and showing them my country I do not consider work. It's my passion, hobby and a way of life.

Am also a pretty active person. Playing football once a week with my friends, biking and hiking is something that keeps me in shape.

Sprachen Englisch, kroatisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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