Irena I ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ukraine


Hello Dear Guests -welcome to Ukraine.If you looking for friendly guide and assistant during you stay will be glad to show you my city. What I can offer to my guests: ✔️Tours ✔️meeting in airport ✔️translator ✔️help with renting apartment ✔️advices 24 hours in whatssApp ✔️showing the important visit cards of the city ✔️tour planning and support ✔️create personal tour program according to all wishes of my guests ✔️and main create very friendly atmosphere ! ✔️ remote work ✔️Personal assistant work 🇺🇦During war time I still show Kyiv for guests ,work like personal assistant and remotely ,also I am volunteering so if you like to support Ukrainian elder or animals ,I can suggest how to do it or can invite you to charity places:)

Sprachen Englisch, ukrainisch
Währungen Dollar (USD)

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