John Zakharov ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Kasachstan, Weißrussland

I am not a guide but a friend. If you want to have a friend in a foreign country Belarus please feel free to contact with me. Besides traditional tours to famous belarus tourist places like Brest city, Nesvizh castle, Mir castle complex, Brest fortress, Białowieża Forest you will know the best places to visit in Minsk like place with the best food, the most perfect hotel to stay in and the best way to spend your time in Minsk just as we were the best friends (yacht, air baloon, best night clubs). The best guide is a foreign friend and John Zakharov (it is me) is the best choice.

Also I can meet you at the airport and find a house/hotel to stay in in the best district with the best price.

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch
Währungen Dollar (USD)

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