Aloyce Erasmi ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Tansania


I am the mountain guide and safari Guide also CEO at African Love Birds Adventure . I am a Tanzanian, born and raised in Kilimanjaro region. I am open-minded, easy-going and most importantly, I believe in nature and adventure and spend most of my time seeking more adventures. My hobbies are Touring, sightseeing, Trekking and different other outdoor activities. I enjoy life in natural surroundings and always looking under that rock { Mt .Kilimanjaro }or over the ledge hoping to bring happiness and a better life to all that I meet. Each day i see the beautiful Mount Kilimanjaro and sometime while I am in safari ,I enjoy to see animals around in the different parks and my dream is that someday the whole world will get to experience this lifetime adventure through me.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to experience the best trekking and safari tours adventure of a lifetime experience ever in your life ! come us a client leave as Family !

we organize : Mt.Kilimanjaro climbing ,mount meru ,safaris,day trips , cultural tours , hotel bookings and beach holidays .

Note : price are per person also we have group discount contact me for more information.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Suaheli
Währungen Dollar (USD)

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