Djoi Kim ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Türkei

Hello guys I been working as a tour guide since 2018 I know many places

I will be glad to show you around ☺️

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch, Türkisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

Exkursionen (1)

Touristenmeinung (3)

Bilal Snow
16 APR 2022
Djoi Kim was a complete Joy to be around and made the travel experience in Istanbul that much better. Honest Fun and Easy to Communicate Djoi set up a great walking path to all main attractions with great views along the way and ended with a great ferry ride that stopped near a delicious restaurant she recommended. She is really great company to explore the city with. Thank you i will be back : )
Kamran Ali
24 APR 2022
Djoi is very knowledgeable, professional and considerate. Strongly recommend her as a guide for tours in Istanbul. She speaks several languages. Her English is excellent. I will definitely reach out to her again for tours when I am in Turkey.
Mohammad masud Parvez
15 AUG 2022
Kim is very friendly. She is highly educated, thorough in English. She knows very good locations which can't be found in the internet. She was careful about the safety as well.I highly recommend her
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