DONGWOO LEE ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Südkorea

I am a Korean , born and raised in Seoul. I am a professional English tour guide with a certified license. I used work for the tour company for about 3 years and conducted about 100 tours. I speak Korean and English well. I am sure you would have exciting travel experience with me . I would take you to the markets, palaces, temples and so on. Let's have a wonderful time and experience the Korean culture and local food.

We can go any place in Seoul by on food and transportations like palaces, local markets, temples, restaurants so on. You would experience the subways, buses, taxies and talking with Korean people . You can also tour at night, going to the pops , palaces at night and walking on the street in Kangnam .

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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