Valerio Coppo ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Italien

I was born and bred in Venice and spent half my life away: getting „germanised" in Bochum and Göttingen, enjoying the post-Olympic vibe in Turin, getting drunk in the worst bars in Moscow, following the silk road in Central Asia, clubbing in Berlin and pretending to be a professional manager in a multinational corporation in Africa and Middle East.

All of this to realize that there is no place like home, especially if home is Venice!

Now I am ready to share my true love for the city, my passion for sustainable tourism and few tips about the Venice I like as a local.

Let me show you off-the-beaten tracks alternative routes, let you discover hidden gems of the city and bring you on lagoon islands by bike or by kayak: experiences you will never forget!

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch, Italienisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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