Ioseb sadradze ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Georgien

Dear friends

I arrange walking cultural tours in Tbilisi (more emphasis is made on architecture of buildings of 19-20 centuries).

Also individual or group tours by car or mini-bus in Tbilisi and Georgia.

1. Tbilisi city tour.

2. Mtskheta (old capital) tour.

3. Kazbegi (town with glassier peak view) tour.

4. Kakheti tour (this is a combination of cultural and wine tasting tours).

5. Gori & Uplistsikhe tour (Joseph Stalin's house museum in Gori and antique rock cut town of Uplistsikhe).

6. Vardzia (12 century rock cut complex near Turkish border) & Borjomi (spa and mineral water resort with splendid nature and world famous mineral water sources) tour.

7. Two day tour to Kutaisi (ancient town in west Georgia) - combination of cultural, entertainment and wine tasting tours.

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch
Währungen Dollar (USD)

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