Maria Deulina ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Russland

Dear friends,

My name is Maria, I am a licensed guide about Moscow. Being a native Muscovite I have been living here all my life. The Moscow of today is the largest metropolis of Europe, and as any ancient city it has a rather long history the most interesting pages of which we will read while my excursion. I will show you my city through centuries, from the first citadel of the medieval till the bustle of a modern city, the Kremlin, Red Square, Zaryadiye, Kitai-Gorod and its secrets, Tverskaya street etc. You will see why Moscow is called the third Rome, a golden-topped city, a first-throne city and a port of five seas. My excursions may be both on foot or kick-scooters.

As well I provide airport meeting and accompanying to hotel services.

Welcome to Moscow.

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