Andreia Maria Pinto Meireles ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Portugal


Hello Everyone

Welcome to my beautiful country Portugal , Douro Valley

My Name is Andreia, 39 years old and I am a local guide born and raised in this paradise;

I would be very happy to show you the beautiful landscapes , tell you about our history, Tradition and Legends, and of course taking you to iconic places where you can taste our wine and fantastic Food.

You can be shore that I will do my best to provide you a very good experience .

I ´ve lived for 16 years in Switzerland where I´ve worked for many Nationalities , so beside speaking English I also speak German.

I am available to help you and your Family , you can really count on me because I will support you in all kind of situations , so you can enjoy your Tour.

Thank you

See you Soon

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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