Babu Magar ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Nepal

Born in 1990, 14th March, Solukhumbu. (Everest reason) Being born amidst the Himalayas, I decided to become a guide and lead hundreds of dreams to its destination. I completed my bachelor's in Business Management (BBS) and started my adventurous journey in the Himalayas. In 2009, I began trekking and today I have more than 10 years of experience.

To strengthen my profile and increase my confidence, I joined the Trekking Guide Course & Academy of Tourism and Hotel Management (NATHM) in 2013. Likewise, in 2014, I joined Introductory Rock Climbing Course organized by Nepal Mountaineering Instructors Association (NMIA). In 2015, I was becomes part of the Professional Co-Leadership Trekking Course, and in 2017, I went through Basic Mountaineering Training organized by Nepal Mountaineering Association(NMA) and Wilderness First Aid Course organized by Himalayan Medics. I went on to do Level-1 Rock Climbing Course in 2018 and the High Mountain Rescue Course in 2019 both organized by NMIA.

With all of my experience and hard work, I have established myself self as the most reliable guide out there. I have led several groups in the Himalayas. With a moto to run sustainable tourism, I'm now working to establish my own company.

Climbing Records

Mera Peak

Island Peak

Lobuche Peak

Dhampus peak

Ama Dablam


Yala Peak

Upper Dolpo and many challenging trekking and high passes routes

Sprachen Niederländisch, Englisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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