Ermal Ademi ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Albanien

Hi there,

I'm Ermal and I'm 26 years old. I live in the capital city of Albania. For 2 years I have started doing private tours and I have been loving it so far.

I love my country and I would love to take you to many beautiful places in Albania.

If you want to see some beautiful landscapes, I would suggest visiting

Theth, Valbone,Shkodra,Lepushe.

or if you want to visit cultural and historic places, I would suggest visiting

Gjirokastër, Berat,Tirane,Kruje.

Coming to Albania? Great! Feel free to get in touch and let's work out how to make the most of your time.

My goal is to give you a wonderful experience during your stay. I hope I will meet you and have the chance to show you around my country.

Sprachen Albanian, Englisch
Währungen Lek (ALL)

Exkursionen (6)

Touristenmeinung (2)

Erald Marku
30 JAN 2022
Amazing trip. Beautiful places. Ermali was the perfect and make this trip fun, entertaining and comfortable. I hope to come again in albania so i can make new unforgettable moments and see new places.
Dina Khuffash
29 MÄR 2022
Wonderful experience i had with ermal. He took care of me and showed me around all albania, not only Tirana. Safe driver, super fun and great trip. Highly recommended
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