Emre KARAYAZGAN ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Türkei

Hi Dear All ( :

I'm a local citizen who enjoys his city, tries to explore his city everyday by walking throughout the street that hasn't been before, What I like most about my city, İzmir, is its local tastes, patterns and people both living in down town and around the city especially in villages.

I'm here to be company with you, to meet new people, to learn foreign culture and to enjoy the time we spend together while experiencing İzmir with people I've never met before. We can experience sports like sailing, hiking, scuba diving, and also artistic and cultural activities like visiting art galleries, museums, ruins.

I'd like to welcome you sincerely in İzmir and would like to offer you accommodation in Yenifoça where you can enjoy the sea, weather and neighborhood.

Sprachen Englisch, Türkisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), 2005–2008 „Neue Lira“ (TRY)

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