Jeanneret Imanishimwe ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ruanda


I love Kigali and enjoy showing people around it. This is where I grew up, and I have a lot I can share with you in my home city.

You want to go outside Kigali, I'm still in.

It is the love I have for meaningful conversations and meeting new people that makes the difference.

I'll help you with anything in the lines of:

1. Exploration and Sightseeing

2. Translation and Interpretation

3. Shopping

4. Food and Restaurants

5. Art and Museums

6. History and Culture

7. Nightlife and Bars

8. Pick up and Driving Tours


If you speak English or French, we both will definitely find ways to create beautiful experiences in Kigali and anywhere else in Rwanda.

I help you get to know places that interest you the most, and help you understand the basics of the culture here.

I adapt to what you want, let me be your private guide!

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Kinyarwanda
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Franc (RWF)

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