Aziza Begiyeva ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Usbekistan

Hello and welcome my friends! My name is Aziza I'm an experienced tour guide in Uzbekistan. Originally I'm from the historically beautiful place Samarkand (the heart of the Silk Road). I was always drawn to the history of my ancestors and because of that, this job seems perfect for me. Meeting people from all over the world is like a dream come true, to learn about your culture and to share mine.

As a tourist it is very hard to navigate your way around a new country, let me take that burden away from you, so that way you can relax and enjoy your vacation in this beautiful country. I will organize a beautiful trip for you and your loved ones. Traveling and exploring anywhere from Tashkent all the way to Khiva. I will help you to find the best-suited masterclasses for your interests and needs, suggest the most authentic places to dine in, and of course, share our traditions and customs with you.

Sprachen Englisch, Russisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Soʻm (UZS)

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